We will camp on beaches, drive mountain passes, summit peaks, wade through rivers, take in vistas, get dwarfed by towering valley walls, dive into plunge pools, surf waves and much much more. Each of these adventures are designed to address our teaching topic of the moment, which means it's not your average walk in the park or day at the beach; it's an adventure with a purpose.


5 Weeks

A great way to spend the summer!

12-16 Soul Edgers

From all over the globe - Canada, America, South Africa, Australia, the UK, New Zealand.

45 Teaching Topics

From identity to Biblical overview to finding your purpose there's a whole range of topics we cover.

Full Time Adventure

Each week is littered with a variety of outdoor sports and activities.

SO Why is it called nomad?

It's called Nomad because we're constantly on the move, only staying in the same spot for 2-5 days. There's no time to get itchy feet because before you know it we'll be in the hills again or exploring an abandoned gold mining town!

With 45 teaching topics, regular worship, guided personal quiet times and intentional one-to-one mentoring we create the perfect environment for growth. Whether your faith questions are formed on Soul Edge or you've had them for years, this is the place to engage in the wrestle for answers. We aim to prepare you for a lifetime of faith by delivering fundamental training in and out of the classroom: So come hungry. Hungry for a physical and spiritual adventure.

spiritual growth

WHAT's the soul edge growth model?

Jesus had 12 disciples who he invested into for a relatively short period of time before sending them off to become world changers. Not a lot is known about how he did it on a day-to-day basis, but we know it was intentional and relational. So that's what we do!

Spiritual Disciplines

Most days will start with exploring different ways to do your personal devotional times. Bible reading, journaling, praying. We give some structure and direction around how to do this well.


Again, most days will have a moment where we collectively gather for sung worship. A time where the Holy Spirit has free reign.


At least once a week you will have a designated time-slot to sit down with your mentor and hash out your questions. You will also have a peer mentor who you will be a support for throughout the course.


Almost every day will involve some level of teaching. It could be anywhere and at any time - so be ready!

optional extras

Why not combine your Soul Edge adventure with an optional mission trip and/or church internship with Grace Vineyard in Christchurch?

Vanuatu Mission: Feb 11th - Mar 11th minimum, but, you can extend your mission trip for as long as you'd like!  
Grace Vineyard Internship: The start date is flexible, so you can start straight after Soul Edge or after the mission trip and will finish in December. Check out their website for more specific details here.

Please get in touch to talk about your options. Our desire is that Soul Edge is just one part of a formational year of growth.

"Adventure and teaching intertwined is incredible, I don't think there's anything else like it."


New Zealand 2024

"I experienced lots of breakthrough in several areas of my life and think it will leave a lasting impact on my life!"


New Zealand 2024

"Discipleship sessions were so so good, such a good time to process and share openly, I felt really comfortable."


New Zealand 2024


So what does it cost?

We wish we could offer Soul Edge for free, but we have bills to pay!

Soul Edge Nomad
Jan 6th - Feb 9th
Activities & Adventures
Travel around New Zealand
Endless Good Vibes
Soul Edge T-Shirt
Does not include:
Flights to/from NZ
Any extra snacks
Personal adventure gear
Optional mission to Vanuata
Please see the info pack for more guidance on pricing and what you need to bring.

Soul Edge has some adventure gear that may be of use to you, so if you don't have
the right kit at the moment, reach out and we'll see if we can help.


What do the course fees cover?

Travel around NZ
Good vibes

Flights not included

What if I want to travel after Soul Edge?

Often Soul Edgers want to extend their experience by traveling around NZ together. If you would like to do this just let us know and we can put you in touch with the others!

Can I bring more than one bag?

Yes, and no. You can bring an extra bag full of stuff to NZ and we will store it in a safe location for you, but only one bag is allowed once we hit the road. More info is given on this after you've been accepted.

Do I have to be experienced in the outdoors?

No. All you need is a sense of adventure and the readiness to get stuck into it! 

Do I have to be really fit?

You need a reasonable level of fitness, but you don't have to have won any medals! Many of our hikes can be quite long and require you to carry a heavy pack, but we've designed them to be achievable for the 'average-Joe'. If you can jog for 20 minutes without stopping that's a good gauge - a slow and steady pace is fine. and you're allowed to be puffed and sweaty aftwards! 

Are we hiking and camping the whole time?

No. We travel around in a couple of vehicles from spot to spot. Sometimes based at fixed accommodation, other times we're in the hills.

Still have questions?

Ask us straight! We want your questions answered.